Windsor Highlands Metro District
Property Manager
Guy Johnson
Windsor Highlands Metro District
6795 Crystal Down Drive
Windsor, Colorado 80550
Precision Account Manager
Riley Norlin
Maintenance Division Supervisor
After Hours Emergency Phone Number
(970) 306-0201
Please Note, your association will be charged a minimum of $170 to respond to an emergency call.
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All Tickets for Property
- 5850 Bromborough Drive – Behind the home.
Homeowner called main office to report at 5850 Bromborough Drive - Behind the home there is a sprinkler head that…
- Fwd: Initial Contact Form – Lisa H
Address 6556 Crystal Downs , Windsor , CoPhone Number (970) 290-0776Email lshenry1002@gmail.comAny Other Info There is a broken sprinkler between…
- WHMD North entrance median roots
North entrance median drying up due to root punch. Valve is on east side. You can hear the root pinch
- Fwd: 6440 Half Moon Bay Sprinkler near open space
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: WHMD Manager Date: Fri, Sep 1, 2023 at 11:17 AM Subject: 6440 Half Moon Bay…
- Fwd: FW: 5221 Longshaw Ct. #6
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: WHMD Manager Date: Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 10:39 AM Subject: FW: 5221 Longshaw Ct. #6…
- WHMD Sanctuary Clock Decoder Errors
Decoder errors on zone 4 and 14.
- HM Main clock zone #100
There are 2 heads/laterals that are clogged. South along the street. Get Outlook for iOS
- Fwd: 6033 Southern Hills Drive Potential Mosquito Issue
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: WHMD Manager Date: Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 2:50 PM Subject: 6033 Southern Hills Drive…
- Lateral Break near Crooked Stick and HMPKWY
150-200 feet north of Crooked Stick on HMPKWY in the large greenbelt there is a lateral break flagged with Precision…
- Fwd: Excess Water runoff?
WHMD entrance to crooked stick check times. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: WHMD Manager Date: Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at…
- HMPWAY Broken Valve Box and Stuck zone
Celes called and told us about a stuck zone. Zone was stuck on so I turned it off at the…
- WHMD South of pool clock
Zone #1 lateral break near valve box. Zone off at clock. Get Outlook for iOS