The Park at Emerald Glen
Property Manager
Kelly Ostermiller
Greeley Community Management, LLC
1711 61st Ave. Suite #202
Greeley, CO 80634
P- 970.392.9657 F- 970.392.2984
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9-4
Precision Account Manager
Rane Dennis
Maintenance Account Manager
After Hours Emergency Phone Number
(970) 306-0201
Please Note, your association will be charged a minimum of $170 to respond to an emergency call.
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All Tickets for Property
- Flooding
If you all don’t shut our sprinklers off until the end of this rainy weather, I’m going to hire someone…
- Sprinklers 2633 Lochbuie Cir.
2 sprinkler heads in my back fenced in area are broken. As you face the fence looking from the back…
- Sprinklers and thistles-weeds.
I live at 2740 Lochbuie Circle. Many of my current sprinkler heads do not work or although they have water…
- 2609 Lochbuie
The sprinklers were running late this afternoon, and the Board was out walking around the area. We noticed that in…
- Broken Meter Pit Cover at 2665 Lochbuie Circle
Broken meter pit cover. Call Jaylin with the city to get replacement. Edit: Jaylin's number is going straight to voicemail,…
- Fwd: You received a new request from Jerry Westbrook
There is a irrigation line leak behind the home of 2588 or 2596 Lochbuie Circle. The water is flowing onto…
- Water coming through Concrete joint at 2609 Lochbuie
- 2609 Lochbuie Sprinkler hitting backyard/house
Homeowner states there is a sprinkler in the open space to the north of his house by 3 evergreen trees…
- The Park at Emerald Glen Watering
Watering twice a day during the day. Homeowner stated the sprinklers ran at 5 a.m. and are running again at…
- Replaced Sprinkler now spraying entire back of house and patio
On Friday, June 2, your crew replaced a sprinkler head on the HOA strip behind my home at 2609 Lochbuie…
- Irrigation Zone timing
Hello. This morning, Wed, June 7, an irrigation zone ran for over 2 hours and the ground is totally saturated…
- Lawn repair
The hill side behide 2649 lochbuie circle is very bare. Each time you mow with the riding mowers the tire…