Patio Homes at Highland Meadows
Property Manager
Tom Hannon
Brass Key Property Management
115 Riverside Ave.
Fort Collins, CO. 80524
P- 970.224.9134 F- 970.224.5347
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9-5
Precision Account Manager
Riley Norlin
Maintenance Division Supervisor
After Hours Emergency Phone Number
(970) 306-0201
Please Note, your association will be charged a minimum of $170 to respond to an emergency call.
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All Tickets for Property
- Fix Steel Edging – 6780 Auburn Hills Drive
- Sprinkler head broken
Sprinkler head broken by snow plow. Located, front of house north side of driveway. 6599 Half Moon Bay Drive windsor
- Sprinkler repair Patio homes at HM
Southeast corner of 6533 Royal Country Down lot. Maybe 10 feet into grass. The hole in the lawn is obvious.…
- Snow plowing damaged sprinkler head
Half Moon Bay 6535 South side of driveway at sidewalk. Marked with yellow flag. Precision snow removal plow snagged and…
- Drip hose repair
There is a substantial leak in the drip hose located in the front of our house at 6850 Auburn Hills…
- Swing Pipe Repair at Patios 1
On Half Moon Bay east side, flagged in front yard, zone #7. Broken at the swing pipe.
- 6571 Half Moon Bay Sprinkler Adjustment
Jim Becker reported a sprinkler at 6571 Half Moon Bay that needs adjustment. It is currently spraying 360 degrees when…
- Lawn
Did Joe check our front yard with a lot of dead in it? Chuck Mabry 6763 Spanish Bay Dr 970/988-3303
- Spray Request – Patio Homes 1
Please spray all rock beds and any turf weeds as the recent rain has made them sprout up quickly.
- Submitted by Precision – Broken Solar Light
During snow removal, the crew completing the removal on Auburn Hills accidentally hit a solar light along the front walkway…