Flats at Rigden Farms
Property Manager
Tara Tate
Rigden Farm Mangement
P- 970.481.5048
Emergency After Hours
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9-5
Precision Account Manager
Riley Norlin
Maintenance Division Supervisor
After Hours Emergency Phone Number
(970) 306-0201
Please Note, your association will be charged a minimum of $170 to respond to an emergency call.
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All Tickets for Property
- Grass areas burning up
We have many areas at The Flats at Rigden that are not receiving water. Can you please have the irrigation…
- 2241 Limon
Please confirm that the irrigation at The FLats at Rigdon is turned on. The property is looking very dry.
- Broken Valve Box Cover
The crew at the Flats mowed over a cover today. It's in the grass area by the dog park. Please…
- Leaf debris in ac enclosures
Hello, we are having our seasonal service on the AC units and would like the enclosures to be free of…
- Install Evergreen Shrub
Install a new evergreen shrub at 2751 Iowa Drive #101, Rigden Flats. In the front "yard" in the open space…