Broken sprinkler; overwatering *UREGENT*

ID Status Date Public/Private Property
#42399 Closed public Emerald Glen 1,4,5
Susan Albern

An owner reported a broken sprinkler head. It is starting to pool on the property.

Location: West of 2448 Glendale Ct.


Please send someone out as soon as possible to repair this.

Thank you!

Mark Curtis

Located area in question. Turned on valve and checked sprinklers. Dug up and replaced broken rotor in zone. Checked and adjusted. Replaced nozzle in adjacent rotor….existing nozzle way too large for 90 degree arc rotor. That rotor also hitting multiple large, low tree branches…creating standing water area. Adjusted nozzle to spray underneath branches…in lieu of major trimming. Other aspect of ticket was excess runtime. Homeowners stated zone was coming on every day at 7am. Located zone in extra program on controller and eliminated. Also reduced runtime for zone on regular program temporarily…to help dry out super saturated zone. Will monitor and adjust if needed. – Mark

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