URGENT but not an emergence: 2328 Woody Creek Circle

ID Status Date Property Public/Private
#42306 Closed Cottages at Emerald Glen public

Hello!   The owner of 2328 Woody Creek Circle indicated that there is a sprinkler head that is broken and geysering at the end of his driveway.  He marked it with a flag.  The zone has shut off for today but this should be urgent before the system runs again, please.

Thank you!

Mark Curtis

Located sprinkler in question….entire sprinkler was missing. Dug out area to expose elbow to attach new sprinkler. Opened valve and flushed line. Installed new sprinkler…checked and adjusted. Please note the flags around new sprinkler/sod ring…they are a visual cue to remind mowing crew not to mow this now soggy area/unstitched sod, as well as for a reminder for the homeowner to swing wide with vehicle when entering/exiting their garage. – Mark

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