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Possible water leak behind 503 and 505 trailwood cr. Very soft area flaged!

ID Status Date Public/Private Property
#41701 Closed public Trailwood Association
Fred Casten

There must be an irrigation system leak behind 505 Trailwood cr.  Please have Mark check on it.  
also please have Mark remove the Sunday irrigation from all the timers on the B programs on the west side!  Trying to save water.  And please adjust the seasonal amount from 100% to 70 % to also save water as the temperatures come down.  Call me with any questions!
Thank you,

Fred Casten 


Mark Curtis

Located area in question. Dug up multiple locations to discover source of leak. Cut out sliced section of pipe…along with tree root responsible for tear. Retrieved parts and completed repair. Went to construction area south of town to get 2 buckets of dry fill dirt…backfilled and re-sodded. Temporarily canceled out runtime on zone in swampy area, as well as zone in vicinity. Will monitor areas and water sod as needed. Took out Sunday for watering day on 4 controllers on west side. Discussion with HOA president regarding future water % reductions as weather determines – Mark

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