Dry Turf Glen Meadows

ID Status Date Property Public/Private
#41609 Closed Glen Meadows at Emerald Glen public
Rane Dennis

Also, I got a call from 2379 Waverly stating that their grass is burning up.  Can you please check the sprinklers there?

Mark Curtis

Responded to address and adjacent yards. Area along Waverly is in section at the end of the system. Pumps are shutting down before zones normally activate. Manually activated zones along street with especially dry grass. Upon activation, noticed multiple yards not getting full pressure…. due to tree root choking of poly lateral. Performed walk-through with Tech Schuett and discussed various strategies for preventing filter alarm on pump. This is a new issue, brought about coincidentally with the repair of the other pump flush issue repaired on Friday. Pumps are running longer into the night now, but still shut down due to filter media overload. After impletation of strategies, will monitor and water manually again if necessary. – Mark

Mark Curtis

Continued manual watering of zones in area of original address. Grass beginning to recover. Evidence of zones in back had run last night. Pumps did not shut down overnight, so hoping front yards run from their program tonight. Will monitor, and cease manually watering if zones do run off the program. – Mark

Mark Curtis

Continuing work in area. Manually watered zones in front. Dug in area of elm tree by mailbox…in reference to sound of poly line being choked off, thereby isolating half of front lawn and neighborslawn to the east. Located line and searched for impingement. Discovered multiple crushed areas…by roots of various sizes. Dug in between largest roots…cut smaller ones. Working toward tree trunk, eventually exposed part of line not crushed. Went to DBC to get parts for repair. Cut and fashioned new poly line in between large roots. Pressure tested and checked sprinklers. Full pressure. Flagged several sprayheads requiring raising up from new sod installed by homeowner. Ran zone manually to catch up on super dry areas. Will dig up and raise too low heads tomorrow. – Mark

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