Sprinkler repair

ID Status Date Property Public/Private
#41572 Closed Glen Meadows at Emerald Glen public
Chris Klaas

Front yards at 2365 and 2379 waverly are drying out

Mark Curtis

Located properties and looked for control valves. One valve in backyard runs both front yards…..opened, but no pressure. Went to pumphouse and reset pumps. Pressured up and checked both yards. Dug up and replaced two very old sprayhead sprinklers that were not functioning well…causing biggest dry spot in yard. Checked and adjusted both. Ran zone for approximately same runtime as a regular program…to catch up on lost time not watering. Owner suggesting neighbors were getting water, but then pumps shut down before program gets to his yard. While opening valve, noticed two bad wire connections. Replaced connectors on both. – Mark

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