Sprinkler Repair – Greenbelt between W 43rd St. & 2631 Glendale Dr.

ID Status Date Public/Private Property
#40868 Closed public Emerald Glen 1,4,5
Susan Albern

Good afternoon,

An owner reported that the greenbelt between W 43rd St. and his backyard hasn’t received sufficient water coverage for years. He stated he has made multiple reports to management regarding this problem in the past, but it has never been addressed. 

He reported a possible broken sprinkler head in the backyard, located between the bush and fence post, that does not pop up correctly. 

Please send someone out to inspect this issue. 

Thank you kindly!

Property Address: 2631 Glendale Dr.

Mark Curtis

Turned on pumps and pressured up mainline. Located various control valves feeding area in question. Opened valves and checked sprinklers. All sprinklers on all zones overlapping into area are functioning…performed minor diffusion adjustments to help cover driest areas more uniformly. All zones in area were looking dry, so located controller to check runtimes. Controller had no power and no display. Replaced 9V battery…able to get display, but would not operate zones. Called Tech Schuett, who mentioned the controller had been experiencing sporadic power outages. Suggested resetting breaker as a temporary fix. Located breaker and pushed reset button….AC power returned. Tech Schuett informed supervisor of continuing issue. Repaired from sprinkler standpoint, but full resolution hinging on correction of electrical issue to controller. – Mark

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