Broken sprinkler head

ID Status Date Property
#40595 Closed Patio Homes at Highland Meadows Golf Course
Larry Johnson

The sprinkler head is broken in the front yard between 6506 PRD and 6530 PRD, the grass is dying on the northeast corner by driveway of 6530.  It is the center one, plus the sprinkler head on southwest corner of driveway 6506 does not work properly. The broken head is behind mailbox stand.

Mark Curtis

Located area in question and checked zone. The sprayhead in center of area, as referenced in ticket, had settled and was covered up by grass. One spray nozzle in corner was plugged, and the one right behind mailbox needed adjusting. Dug up to raise sprayhead in center and discovered shell had split, so replaced with 6″ sprayhead. Replaced plugged nozzle and adjusted other. Also, in process of checking control valves to turn on zone….a zone across Half Moon Bay activated, and I noticed a geyser from a broken rotor at 6508 Half Moon Bay. Dug up and replaced, checked and adjusted. – Mark

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