Timbercreek Dry Turf building L

ID Status Date Property
#40567 Closed Townhomes at Timber Creek
Rane Dennis

Dry turf in front of building L.

Mark Curtis

Located dry areas around I buildings…found control valve and checked zone. Multiple broken, plugged nozzles or entire sprayhead sprinklers. Multiple heads were crooked or blocked by edging. Multiple nozzles too large for area…causing significant pressure drop on a HUGE zone. Flagged upwards of 30 issues on single zone…will obtain sprinklers/nozzles for repair and begin replacing tomorrow. – Mark

Mark Curtis

Continued work around L. Dug up and replaced multiple plugged (NOTE: most of the sprayheads originally installed have integrated nozzles into body of head, so when plugged…requires complete replacement. New heads now have removable nozzles) or broken sprayheads (21 total). Replaced multiple plugged spray nozzles (6 total). Checked and adjusted. Also replaced nozzle in front of M3 as per inquiry regarding flooding in basement. Checked zone in front of window well. No leaks, but one nozzle was shooting too far into area. After discussion, it was agreed the crux of the flooding was from excessive rain, plugged downspouts, poor window well design. – Mark

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