Cut back on watering

ID Status Date Property Public/Private
#40076 Closed Cottages at Emerald Glen public
Susan Albern

“2357 Woody Creek Circle and 4111 Marble is too wet.  It has been that way for years.  The board wonders what can be done.” Cut back sprinkler run times for these units.

Mark Curtis

For 2357 Woody Creek Circle..
.Located and checked zones affecting area. Multiple adjustments and nozzle size changes on various rotors on all zones. Replaced leaking rotor that was also contributing to sogginess. Teduced run time small amount, but same area also had dry sections, so didn’t want to cut back time too much…..all the adjustments were designed to send significantly more water to dry areas and significantly less to the soggy areas in question. This should mitigate the excess greatly, but at the same time.
..soil in area is HEAVY clay, so does not drain well in areas of complaint. Consulted with Tech Schuett for controller location and other info – Mark

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