Sprinkler issues along Glen Isle at Park at Emerald Glen

ID Status Date Property
#39422 Closed The Park at Emerald Glen
Joan Zoetewey

There are 3 items that need attention.  The first one may have already been taken care of as there has been some recent repair work along Glen Isle.  There is a large brown spot in the grass between the sidewalk along Glen Isle and the cement drain in back of 2633 and 2625.  I have 4 pictures taken in sequence from left to right.  While I was out taking pictures, the irrigation system came on.  There are now rotary heads along the curb on Glen Isle that seem to be covering the brown area.  They might be part of the recent repairs, and better coverage will take care of the problem.  So, this might not need to addressed.

The second and third items are two separate heads along the curb on Glen Isle.  They are marked with white flags.  One is in back of 2649/2641, and is shooting straight up.  One picture of that one.  The other looks to be behind 2657 and the whole head was not attached.  I investigated that one because there was a stream of water running east on the sidewalk.  Three pictures attached with that, one with the head in place, one with Jon holding the detached head, and one of the water stream on the sidewalk.  

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