Dry spot behind 551

ID Status Date Property
#38883 Closed Trailwood Association
Fred Casten

There is a serious burnout area behind 551 Trailwood Cr.  Not sure it is a water problem or a major gasoline spill!  See the attached pictures and have Mark take a look when he is over here.  
Thanks for all the help and let’s hope for a nice rain to help us all out!! 
Fred C Pres

Mark Curtis

Located dry area behind 551. Turned on multiple zones…via two controllers
in area… to locate Zone in question, but unable to get that area to
activate. Tried locating control valve in field. Accessed all visible valve
boxes in expansive section of entire back area, and opened manually. Zone
in question still not opening. Poked around with shovel and located
multiple boxes covered under dirt. Opened valves and discovered rotors in
center of back area not popping up….including one on northern edge of dry
area…but Zone in question not one of them. One of the control valves in
manifold south of area could not be opened… due to large hedge root grown
against solenoid, and over the top of external bleed screw. Thinking that
might be the valve for Zone in question, dug up box and cut out root.
Opened valve, but was not the one in question. Requesting assistance next
week to locate valve and/or troubleshoot wiring to zone.

On Thu, Jun 27, 2024, 3:39 PM Precision Property Dashboard


Mark Curtis

Hooked up toner to wire of control valve in question behind 551. Checked wires in controller for match to tone….multiple wires audibly registering as possibilities. Turned on various zones on controllers associated with loudest tones…then checked for power for each at control valve wire. No zone registered anywhere close to sufficient voltage to open solenoid. Both hot and common wires in field had severe oxidation, as all connections in field had non silicone connectors. Decision was made after consultation…to install battery powered controller.
Went to Site One to purchase Node controller and DC latching solenoid. Installed Node and programmed/tested. Control valve in question functions as normal. Future wiring troubleshooting and/or new wire discussed, but for now ticket tentatively closed.

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