Water at 533 not working.

ID Status Date Property
#38871 Closed Trailwood Association
Fred Casten

Zone #4 on program A on the clock in front of 533 Trailwood Cr in not coming on.  Looks like for some time now. Picture attached.  Please have Mark repair at his earliest opportunity.  Thanks for the help!

Fred C Pres

Mark Curtis

Opened controller for Zone 4 in front of 533 and checked runtime. Zone had
sufficient time in queue, so checked wiring to terminal. Attached wire
from terminal to multiple wires in field, but no activation. Requesting
assistance with troubleshooting issue.

On Thu, Jun 27, 2024, 2:32 PM Precision Property Dashboard


Mark Curtis

Obtained tracer/toner to troubleshoot wires. Found used, but excellent condition RAINBIRD VB valve in Precision supply yard….to replace existing valve box at 533. Part of the issue with wiring in many areas, property wide, is too small a box for number of valves. In this case, the box was smashing wires in box area. The VB boxes flare at the bottom for extra space….but also have multiple precut section to feed wiring through. Regardless, some modifications were made to box to accommodate the unruly jumble of wires. Multiple additional, sketchy wire connectors were replaced in box. Hooked up toner to valve wires and traced to proper wires in controller. Tested zone and both valves activate. Refilled hole and replaced sod. Ran zone for a few minutes to help dry areas. Area should green up after a few waterings

Ticket considered closed – Mark

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