Water running later than 10:00AM

ID Status Date Property
#38575 Closed Trailwood Association
Fred Casten

We have some sprinklers running after 10 in the morning and got a letter from the Town of Windsor telling us to fix the problem or get fined.  They are running along 11th st on our East side.  Please have Mark stop by asap to fix the issue.  Picture attached shows what the town sent us.  
Our subdivision is looking great and appreciate all the hard work you guys put into it!

Fred C – Pres


Mark Curtis

Reduced water budget % for controllers in area….a temporary mitigation.
Grass condition improving because of extensive repair work…but also
because of increasing watering % across the board. Programs on controllers
(implemented upon request of Trailwood Association this season) emphasize
NOT watering during the overnight hours in many cases….so zones run well
into the morning hours. Runtime for each zone on these programs not
sufficient during hotter months for sustaining green coverage….so water %
increased to facilitate improvement. This puts the total runtime of
programs past 10am. Recommend Precision completely reprogram controllers to
improve watering coverage during Town imposed watering window. In lieu of
that, Precision should not be held accountable for condition of grass at
the current watering percentages…on the current programs requested.

On Mon, Jun 24, 2024, 9:46 AM Precision Property Dashboard


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