Leak in front yard of 509 Trailwood and plugged sprinkler behind 503

ID Status Date Property
#37570 Closed Trailwood Association
Fred Casten

There is a leak in the front yard of 509 Trailwood Cr.  Attached are the pictures.  And a plugged sprinkler behind 503 that has been plugged since startup.  Requested repair several times.  
please have Mark stop by on Monday if possible as it will leak Monday night again.  

Mark Curtis

We are working on a property that just received water….I will stop by and at least identify source of leak, then shut off until able to respond in full.

Mark Curtis
  1. Checked leak in front of 509. Lateral line leading to sprinkler is broken. Entire area around leak is decimated by tree roots….so repair will likely be quite involved. For now, I placed multiple flags around area I dug up so far. Will follow up in the next few days. I have canceled out that zone on the controller for the time being….so no water will be wasted. Grass in area is intermittently shaded throughout the day, and still looks very green. “Plugged” area behind 503 was discovered during start up…I told the people at that address I would follow up at a later date. There’s a sprinkler outside their patio that appears to have no water. If it was plugged “normally” (at the nozzle), it would still pop up….but there’s no indication there is any water pressure to it at all. Which indicates tree root strangulation of lateral line feeding sprinkler….or rerouting/plugging of line. All other sprinklers on the zones adjacent have more than adequate pressure….and it is a lone sprinkler.  Area is only somewhat dry, as other sprinklers in immediate vicinity are covering area to some extent.  Because of this….I have this well on the back burner right now. Please inform residents there it could be sometime before that one sprinkler is a higher priority. There are no leaks and nothing is being damaged. Thanks. – Mark
Mark Curtis

Continued work on leak in front of 509. Dug up and cut out multiple tree roots to determine source of leak and routing of sprinkler lines. Will check stock and gather parts needed accordingly. Grass in area still looking green and unstressed. Worked from 12pm to 1pm on repair area today, and will follow up in coming days to complete repair….as well as sprinkler at 523. – Mark

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