Minor damage to sprinkler/rocks from fall clean-up on 12/11/23 between 2676 and 2684 Lochbuie Cir.

ID Status Date Property Public/Private
#36687 Closed The Park at Emerald Glen public
Joan Zoetewey

There was a clean up crew on Lochbuie Cir yesterday, 12/11/23.  They were using a large piece of machinery on the lawn to pick up leaves.  I was concerned with them taking the large mower/blower between my house at 2684 Lochbuie Cir and the neighbor’s house at 2676 Lochbuie, so I watched the driver.  As he started down the hill he stopped, moved the equipment a little, then stopped, and eventually slowly proceeded down the hill to the back.  I was watching from the southwest corner of my house.  This morning I noticed that there was a sprinkler head lying in the rocks at 2676, and that there was a swatch of gravel on my side, 2684, where the rocks had been displaced.

The area of lawn between the houses is a little more narrow than it had been as we had cement edging installed in early September, and they had to extend the rock area out about 11 inches to accommodate the drain pipe from the sump pump which was installed in August 2022 because of water in the crawl space. 

Please have your crew fix the sprinkler head and redistribute the displaced rock.  I will attach pictures. 

I do have concerns with Precision continuing to use the big pieces of equipment between my house and the neighbors.  Earlier this summer, even before the rock area was  extended, both my air conditioning unit was knocked out of place as was my neighbors.  Now this minor damage.  


Joan Zoetewey

2684 Lochbuie Cir

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