Sprinkler head repair Patios 3 Highland Meadows golf course

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#36437 Closed Patio Homes 3 at Highland Meadows Golf Course
Barry Vanderwyk

Top of sprinkler head came off in front yard along sidewalk. Noticed leak during morning watering cycle 10/19/2023. Missing/busted sprinkler head location marked with yellow Precision flags with sprinkler head attached. 5868 Crooked Stick Drive.

Barry Vanderwyk

This is the 4th watering, and probably the last for the season, since my repair request was put in 10/19/23. the 4th watering where we have water just gushing into the street and not on the lawn. I know this is not an emergency request but as a board member I decided to use your homeowner reporting system to see the response time. Hopefully the repair will be made before winterization since the other heads may not get enough blowout pressure.  Thanks, Barry V.

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