Spongy grass/possible leak along back fence between 2676 and 2684 Lochbuie Cir

ID Status Date Property Public/Private
#35861 Closed The Park at Emerald Glen public
Joan Zoetewey

While the sprinkler system section, which covers the front of 2684 and down the side and along the back rocks by the house, was running on Sunday, September 17th around 11:45 am, my husband and I were on our deck watching the watering patterns.  As seen previously, we noticed standing water at the back of the cattails which are just on the other side of the association fence between the lawns and greenbelt.  I walked down to the grassy area to take a closer look to see where the water was coming from, as we could see a small stream running into the cattails.  I will attach a picture.  This may just be from runoff from the sprinklers.

In addition, as I approached the area from the west along the fence, I hit a section of grass that was super wet and spongy.  Rocking my feet from side to side, there was a 3 to 4 inch give in the ground.  Just my standing on the grass and rocking my feet caused mud to ooze up from underground.  This whole area is directly in back of 3 sprinkler valve boxes.  They are currently hidden by the grass, but I know they are located nearby.  Would you please check the area and see if there is a possible leak somewhere that could be causing this?

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