Thank You,
Joe Potkanowicz Jr. – LICM
General Manager | Precision Landscape and Maintenance
Main Office: (970) 669-5280
Direct Line: (970) 966-8540
Emergency: (970) 306-0201
Fax: (970) 821-8151
Address: 4315 E. Harmony Road. Fort Collins, CO 80528
Make sure to check out our new Maintenance Ticket and Property Dashboard!
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———- Forwarded message ———
From: WHMD Manager
Date: Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 1:07 PM
Subject: FW: Might want to have someone come check the sprinklers grass is
really dead..
To: Riley Norlin
Please take a look
*From:* Blakelee Waters
*Sent:* Thursday, August 24, 2023 4:03 PM
*To:* WHMD Manager
*Cc:* Rosa Saenz
*Subject:* FW: Might want to have someone come check the sprinklers grass
is really dead..
Please see attached/below. Can you send Precision to investigate this
*Blakelee Waters, **CMCA | HOA Property Manager*
Vintage Corporation | 4631 W. 20th Street Road Suite 100 | Greeley, CO 80634
Office 970.353.3000 | Fax 970.352.1320 |
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copying, or storage of this message or any attachment is strictly
*From:* Rosa Saenz
*Sent:* Thursday, August 24, 2023 3:57 PM
*To:* Blakelee Waters
*Subject:* FW: Might want to have someone come check the sprinklers grass
is really dead..
Kind regards,
*Rosa V. Saenz *
*HOA Admin Assistant*
Vintage Corporation | 4631 20th St Rd, Ste 100 | Greeley, CO 80634
Phone 970.353.3000 | Fax 970.352.1320
*From:* Donna Alcala
*Sent:* Wednesday, August 23, 2023 8:40 AM
*To:* Jamie Pribble ; Rosa Saenz
*Subject:* FW: Might want to have someone come check the sprinklers grass
is really dead..
*Kindly, *
*Donna Alcala **| **Residential* *Administrative Assistant **
*Vintage Corporation | 4631 W 20th Street Road Suite 100 | Greeley, CO
*Office.970.353.3000 | Fax.970.352.1320 **|*
*“If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change,
you will get results.” -Jack Dixon*
*From:* manuel Davila
*Sent:* Tuesday, August 22, 2023 10:31 AM
*To:* Donna Alcala
*Subject:* Might want to have someone come check the sprinklers grass is
really dead..
Building 5221 east side of building country farms