Investigate Drip of Evergreens on Golf Course side.

ID Status Date Property Public/Private
#31902 Closed Windsor Highlands Metro District public
WHMD Manager


I was given your contact info by Zach Leeman with HMGC.  I’m a homeowner in Highland Meadows at 5962 Black Lion Ct.  Behind our property on the golf course property are 10 trees we planted and had  irrigated when we built our home.  The agreement at that time was these trees were a gift to the golf course and the golf course would maintain them.  The irrigation supply was a T off the neighborhood irrigation supply which waters our green belt on our side yard.  It’s my understanding from Guy Johnson,  Precisions services the neighborhood system.  The T junction is located directly behind our home.
I believe when the original irrigation was run as a 1/2″ drip line it was never tested to see if it was a sufficient supply reaching all 10 trees when the irrigation of the green belt runs?  Also I don’t think anyone checked if the number of emitters were sufficient given the watering schedule of the green belt.  Several of the trees are showing significant stress from the years of insufficient watering.
At this point both myself, HMGC and Metro District are trying to save these trees.  The irrigation supply is there and needs to be evaluated, but since it’s a neighborhood supply we are notifying you.
Zach thought this might be part of your services and asked me to provide background on this issue.  I’m glad to meet with you and discuss this issue when it’s convenient.
Rick Myers

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