Alignment of spray heads on all sides of 405 Clubhouse Court

ID Status Date Property
#31400 Closed Fairway Ridge
Deborah Kocsis

Hello Rane and Marc,

Substantial loss of turf on all sides of 405 Clubhouse Court.  I am in the process of re-seeding.  At your next visit to the property, would you kindly check the spray heads on all three sides of that building for proper alignment. Make sure that there is good coverage in the areas where there is no turf. Please don’t make a separate trip from Precision HQ just for this. 

Thank you,

Deb K.

Mark Curtis

Area of concern was located and checked. Valves are working properly. There are two zones responsible for damaged area. As it was on that day, area was getting covered effectively, but not ideally for those conditions. So made some radius adjustments to sprinklers on both zones….and replaced one of the spray nozzles for improved coverage (with emphasis on arc adjustment to overlap a couple of degrees on the hard surface). Also checked run times on controller for both zones….and increased a few minutes each. Other things that could be contributing to grass degradation is needle drop from adjacent spruce tree, as well as any ice mitigating materials in winter leaching into soil from sidewalk. Area in question is along the edge of walk and extending into grass somewhat asymmetrically, but consistently. Please see attached photos. – Mark

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