2624 Walkaloosa Way Irrigation Leak flooding greenspace

ID Status Date Property
#31320 Closed Bucking Horse
Olivia Herrmann
I created a Work Order online for the Bucking Horse neighborhood over the weekend ( Work Order #37) which I wanted to highlight that the leak in the irrigation pipe was noticed running yesterday and again today. This has been flooding the HOA greenspace. I’m not sure if the WO system is actively used and/or if Precision Landscape has been contacted yet about the issue, but given that it is now running daily, I believe they should turn it off immediately. 
I would be happy to discuss with you or someone on the Board more information about this including the cause of the current issue, as it was created by their landscaping maintenance process, and the impact to the trees which they planted are not getting watered.
Jeff Johnson
2624 Walkaloosa Way
Joe Potkanowicz

I am sending Sergio Medrano over there as I am writing this.



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