Grass cutting

ID Status Date Property Public/Private
#30968 Closed River West public
Jan Boddicker

Thank you for cutting the lawns for the 44 patio homes in River West this week. The lawn was long and very unruly. Since you are new to maintaining the lawns here I want to let you know that you missed one area. It is the open space in the back of the patio homes on Lakeside Place, the west side of the road. We generally get at least one pass of the lawnmower on the outside edge of the landscaping so that people who walk behind the homes don’t have to dodge the tall grass that is in the open space. I think you did that in other parts of the subdivision. It hasn’t been cut at all this year so is very long. There are wood ticks in the long grass so we want to avoid that. Please cut that section next week while you are here. The neighbors and I would appreciate it.

Joe Potkanowicz


Thank you for bringing the issue regarding the open space on the west side of Lakeside Place to our attention. We apologize for missing that section during the lawn maintenance last week. We understand the importance of keeping the lawns tidy to avoid any inconvenience to the residents while also ensuring their safety. Rest assured, we will take care of it during our next visit to River West and make sure that the lawn is cut properly. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Best regards,

Joe Potkanowicz

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