Known issues at Copper Ridge

ID Status Date Property
#30250 Closed Copper Ridge Homeowners Association
Rane Dennis
1. Drip line behind 6417 San Isabel
2. Drip line behind 6429 San Isabel
3. Broken PVC pipe behind 938 Highline Drive
4. Drip line behind 962 Highline Drive
5. Drip line across the ditch behind 986 Highline Drive
6. Sprinkler Head about 1″ above grade behind 1024 and 1042 Highline Ct
7. Broken sprinkler behind 1097 and 1098 Highline Ct.
8. Broken sprinkler head behind 1097 and 1098 Highline Ct. (yes, there are two)
9. Broken Sprinkler just east of 1097 Highline Ct.
10. Drip line behind 1081 Highline Ct.
11. Sprinkler 2″ above grade in the field behind 1081 and 1097 Highline Ct
12. Sprinkler 3.5″ above grade in the field behind 1097 Highline Ct.
13. Sprinkler 3″ above grade in the field behind 1097 Highline Ct.
14. Sprinkler 3″ above grade in the field behind and between 1097 and 1098
15. Drip line behind 6301 Black Hills

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