Missed Walkways to Front Doors

ID Status Date Property
#30034 Closed The Timbers
Danielle Nayes
Please see below…
2421 Owens Ave #103
Have a great day!

Danielle Nayes, CAM
Trademark Property Management Group, Inc.
Office Location: 100 North Mason St, Fort Collins, CO 80524
Mailing: 1014 Centre Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80526
Direct Line: 970-237-6971 Office: 970-237-6969  Fax: 970-237-6966
HOA Payments Link:


———- Forwarded message ———
From: Amanda 
Date: Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: Timbers – Snow Update
To: <danielle@trademarkpmg.com>

Hi Danielle,

They did not shovel up to the unit entrances. Will they come back to do
that before the walks freeze over tonight?

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