Dead Grass – 2112 Campo Ct., #102

ID Status Date Property
#40855 Closed Townhomes at Emerald Glen
Susan Albern
  • The owner reached out to us because she was concerned about the state of her lawn. Stated the grass was dead. – July 18th.
  • We responded and informed her that Precision just did a full walk-around and fixed numerous coverage problems, bad heads, etc., and that she should see improvement; however, the irrigation will be shut off for three days next week as a result of a duckweed treatment on the pond, and that the product had to sit in the pond for 72 hours in order to be effective on the duckweed. We asked that she keep us posted if she didn’t see improvement within the next 10 days – July 20th
  • The owner reached out to us and stated there had been no improvement and that her grass was dead and would need to be replaced. – August 5th


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