replacement plants

ID Status Date Property
#38790 Closed Patio Homes at Highland Meadows Golf Course
Kerry Abelson

My address is 6589 Royal Country Down Drive in Windsor.  I submitted a ticket on 21 June and have not heard back pertaining to plants that had been removed and not yet replanted.  Two plants were removed and one plant was left to be replanted still in its container.  The plant has been sitting there for a week now, I do water it everyday.  Was it the story?!!

Kerry Abelson

Kerry Abelson

Thank you for responding to my e-mail and planting the plant that was in
the container. Also, I want to thank your gardners for raking the rocks
around our home to cover the bare spots. Did not expect that!! I take
back all the negative thoughts I had about Precision.
Thanks again,
Kerry Abelson

On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 1:21 PM Precision Property Dashboard


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