Medina spring work

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#37762 Closed Medina Ct. (Mariana Butte 12th Filing)
Mark Curtis
Mark Curtis

Supplemental ticket to provide info on repairs relating to seasonal first checking of zones…..specifically the west side of Medina Court. After initial water pressure provided by city to west side backflow on Monday, 6/3….myself and sprinkler tech Josiah Schuett performed checks on all zones later that day. One zone in particular (in grass area in front of 353) exhibited significantly lower operating pressure to the 23 sprayhead sprinklers of entire zone. Many sprinklers not seating properly…and water escaping around stem. We flagged the valve box, and I returned today to troubleshoot. Took apart control valve feeding zone and flushed/cleaned internal parts, as well as all ports relating to proper solenoud/valve function. Reassembled and re-checked zone. Improved flow some, but not enough to rectify sprinkler stem non-seating problems. Checked radius of throw/flow numbers on spray nozzles….and discovered most were excessive for areas to cover. Replaced nozzles with next lower radius/gpm output to help gain pressure. This also helped flow, but still seating issues. Checked backflow…opened bleeder ports. Stream of water expelled from ports approximately half of normal amount. Informed supervisor (Riley), as well as HOA officer (Kathy) and resident (Barb). Took photos and flagged all sprinklers/control valve for future reference/follow up adjustments. Also closed control valve to prevent water loss until pressure issues resolved. Will write up bill for work performed upon completion. Worked on zone from 9:00 am to 11:15 am today. – Mark

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