Sprinkler head repair

ID Status Date Property
#35491 Closed Patio Homes at Highland Meadows Golf Course
Steve Schlotter

There is a sprinkler head that needs some attention in our back yard.  It turns on at about 3 am and we could hear it gurgling from our bedroom window but could not see what the problem was.   The location is on the west end of our back yard.  Could someone check it out please?    

Steve Schlotter

Sorry, my address is 6835 Spanish Bay Dr, Windsor CO.

Steve Schlotter

The leak is still happening.  Just to the west of the tree in our back yard at 6835 Spanish Bay Dr.  The video is granny, but you can see the water spout at the end and the water puddle in the photo.  The sprinkler head must be missing.  Sorry for the poor quality photo & video.

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